Optimized nested protection for video Region of Interest with Raptor codes


Due to the best effort feature of many existing transmission channels, video streams often suffer from inevitable transmission errors. In this paper, we propose a scheme of robust video transmission based on the state-of-the-art Raptor codes, whose applications are in full swing now. And considering Region of Interest (ROI) often draws much attention in images, the scheme adopts a nested protection framework to show partialities to ROI areas for better protection. Different from many existing Raptor codes based UEP methods, our scheme is developed based on the easy-to-use standardized Raptor codes. Experimental results show that significant robustness can be obtained for the video streams, especially for the ROI areas.

2012 Visual Communications and Image Processing
Li Song
Li Song
Professor, IEEE Senior Member

Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, the Deputy Director of the Institute of Image Communication and Network Engineering of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, the Double-Appointed Professor of the Institute of Artificial Intelligence and the Collaborative Innovation Center of Future Media Network, the Deputy Secretary-General of the China Video User Experience Alliance and head of the standards group.