SJTU Real World Video Dataset


The Shanghai Jiao Tong University Real World Video Dataset (SJTU_RWViD) contains 115 video sequences collected from real-applications. This dataset covers a wide range of possible coding parameters without any packet layer degradations. All video sequences are encoded in H.264/AVC format using different profiles, different frame rate, random GOP structure and size, as shown blow.

Property Value
Resolution 44 kinds of resolution, from SD (416*176 ) to UHD (3840*2160)
Frame rate (fps) 15, 24, 25, 30
Bit rate (kbps) 180~8000
Video codec and profile H264/AVC-high and main
Frame duration default
Segment duration default
GOP structure and size Random
QP Random
Packet loss None

The subjective scores are provided using ACR five-point numerical quality scale.

NOTE: Each sequence file (*.cvs) contains all frame level information of a sequence.Each line in the cvs file presents one frame,and each column presents one extracted parameter. The parameters that each column represents are:

["frames","pkt_pts", "pkt_size","width","height","pict_type","skip_ratio","qp_min","qp_max","qp_avg","mv0_min", "mv0_max", "mv0_avg","mv1_min","mv1_max","mv1_avg"]

Or you can refer to the following format:

{"frames": [
            "pkt_pts": 39600,
            "pkt_size": "65756",
            "width": 1280,
            "height": 720,
            "pict_type": "I",
            "skip_ratio": "0.00%",
            "qp_min": 13,
            "qp_max": 25,
            "qp_avg": "17.12",
            "mv0_min": 0,
            "mv0_max": 0,
            "mv0_avg": "0.00"
            "pkt_pts": 43200,
            "pkt_size": "2432",
            "width": 1280,
            "height": 720,
            "pict_type": "B",
            "skip_ratio": "51.61%",
            "qp_min": 21,
            "qp_max": 33,
            "qp_avg": "24.91",
            "mv0_min": 2,
            "mv0_max": 191,
            "mv0_avg": "4.19",
            "mv1_min": 1,
            "mv1_max": 185,
            "mv1_avg": "1.82"
            "pkt_pts": 61200,
            "pkt_size": "13751",
            "width": 1280,
            "height": 720,
            "pict_type": "P",
            "skip_ratio": "40.97%",
            "qp_min": 17,
            "qp_max": 30,
            "qp_avg": "22.78",
            "mv0_min": 1,
            "mv0_max": 694,
            "mv0_avg": "10.49"


You can access our File Share or Dropbox to download the dataset. Contact Admin Donghui Feng for any questions.
