SJTU 8K 360-Degree Video Sequences

Ultra-high resolution 8K 360-degree immersive video, generally 8192 x 4096. It is still an emerging technology, so there remain a great number of challenges need to be solved. Video sequences play an important role in the corresponding researches. Now we offer a set 12 of 8k@30fps 360-degree immersive video test sequences for downloading, in uncompressed formats: YUV 4:2:0 color sampling, 8 bits per sample formats.
Our dataset is available for free and academic research only, no commercial use. Please cite our paper as
X. Liu, Y. Huang, L. Song, R. Xie, X. Yang, The SJTU UHD 360-Degree Immersive Video Sequence Dataset, the 17th IInternational Conference on Virtual Reality and Visualization (ICVRV2017), Zhengzhou, China, October 21-22, 2017
in any published work if you use those video sequences. -
You can access our File Share or or Dropbox to download the video sequences. Contact Admin Donghui Feng for any questions.
Copyright (c) 2017, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. All rights reserved.